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“It’s great. Rootsy New Pornographers or Fleetwood Mac high on Miller Lite instead of cocaine.”
- Joel Sires from TWINS
The Host Country brings you rock infused with Americana, blues, folk, and a bit of synthy goodness. Original, lyrically-driven music that's inviting and sincere, tinged with the rawness of the emotions that live within love, longing, regret, joy, and everything in between. Dual vocalists & songwriters Ty Wistrand (guitar) & Diana Weishaar (keys) along with Tom Rue (bass), Ethan Weishaar (drums), and Michael Lovan (guitar) use their music to tell a story that's heartfelt, relatable, and magnetic.
Thank you for listening.
Cover Photo: Alyssa Leicht Photography
About: Bio
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